Funded project
Residency at Kreenholm Plants community garden in Narva town, Estonia
I was invited to Kreenholm Plants – an emerging community garden part of Narva Art Residency NART in the North-East region of Estonia, to creatively interact with gardens and produce number of public workshops involving local with Narva Sotsiaaltöökeskus Maslovi3 (Social-help day centre working with neurodiverse clients) 16th July to 31st July, 2021. It was a traveling artist’s project, supported by Nordic Culture Point, Mobility Funding. I traveled from my home in Latvia, Daugavpils region, a similar demographic and economic area to Narva in Estonia: majority of Russian speakers and economically falling behind the rest of the country in development, hence high substance abuse and suicides, political struggles as many has Soviet-time nostalgia and lenience towards favouring Russian state media over Estonian or Latvian. Places full of history and natural beauty. Areas where love for the land everyones walks on and local natural resources could be awaked and nurtured, by starting small with just recognising few plants what can be used in building simple playful garden structures, plats - for medicine and sauna or just enjoy spending time together in communal green spaces.
My main practical aim was to encourage use of natural materials in building garden structures: show how coppiced hazel can be used in constructing a simple shelter, teach what is self-supporting (reciprocal) frame principles in practice, while building together a simple yurt and a geodesic dome; through this exercise build confidence in taking ownership of public green space. Also how hazel sticks could be used to make a primitive loom and run workshop in weaving a shade panel from onsite collected medical plants to be used in Geodesic dome.
First of all using an opportunity to travel all across the Estonia as I needed to bring prepared (debarked and dried) hazel rods, I spend time discovering Estonian culture, nature and how local people interact with it. Also learning about rich Estonian folklore and history, looking for similarities and differences with Latvian as we are so close and have shared history (Soviet era just behind us).
Discovery of Kreenholm Cotton factory upon arrival to Narva
It was very eerie to walk around secured territory of 19th century largest cotton factory in Russian empire, then nearly destroyed by wars, then rebuild by workers of nearby work camp in early communism. Also red brick architecture of original factory buildings for no accident seamed familiar to me as I lived 16 years in Manchester, also cotton capital at the time for the whole world, as architects did come from Manchester to help and build cotton mills of Kreenholm over river Narva. Now abandoned factory lays on the border between Russia and EU, it’s easy to lean over the fence and look into Russia such very powerful and controversial state. It felt at the reach of a hand but so very far and frightening as memories of 90ties when Latvia same as Estonia was regaining their freedom and common sense of excitement and fear of Russia was nations’ consciousness.
*couple people from Narva Sotsiaaltöökeskus, who later attended weaving workshops, remembered working at the Kreenholm factory about 20 years ago on machines making thread, and shared their memories of training and accidents with automated Soviet era machinery.
Geodesic dome construction and Self-supporting structure workshop
First after settling in the Residency NART, I spend couple days constructing a geodesic dome at the Kreenholm Plants community garden, as rest of the time was gonna be spend running workshops in connection to this dome. Hazel rods for the dome traveled all the way from Latvia to Narva, Estonia.
I run two workshops teaching about building a self-supporting frame:
One with people from local Social-care day centre for people with mental heath issues and carers,
Second was Facebook event open to anyone in Narva, but attended by those familiar with NART residency space.
Workshop: Basic loom and weaving with plants
I constructed a simple loom using hazel sticks and threaded in preparation for workshops with Narva Sotsiaaltöökeskus Maslovi3 (Social-help day centre working with neurodiverse clients).
Loom was used to teach basic weaving technique with plants gathered around the Kreenholm Plants garden, also in making of a rug from combed linen and hemp fibers.
Making of a weatherproof cover for the geodome
It was my personal challenge at the residency to sew a cover for the geodesic dome I brought over from Latvia to leave as shelter in Kreenholm Plants garden. But for a structure to become a ‘shelter’ it needs a cover or in other words roof. I did have to negotiate with local residents about having it covered because there was fear that something looking like a tent will attract drinkers and with will come rubbish. There for I choose just to have top covered with no walls so not to encourage sleepovers. I tried to stick with natural materials and for most part used oilcloth: cotton covered in bees wax to hold off the rain.
What would you like to see the garden to make you spend more time there?
At the end of residency we got together with folks from Narva Sotsiaaltöökeskus Maslovi3 and dreamed of what Kreenholm Plants could become, what would local people would like to see there for them to be keen to use it more often and come relax in the garden. We did a drawing and mapping session where each could write or draw things they wanna have in here.
Photography by Наталья Захарова
I hope this is not the end of the collaborations but beginning and part of bigger picture of collective Baltic state practice with nature in mind.