Raising sheep for wool. Weaving at Merike’s farm in Hiiumaa.
Living the sheep farm life. Experiencing what it means to raise sheep in traditional Estonian way on a small island Hiiumaa with Merike, whose parent’s build this farm. This is my second vising in different season: spring/beginning of summer.
Following Merike on her daily routine: Morning letting sheep out, cutting some grass around the property for sheep to feast. Sowing seeds and making garden beds with sheep manure. When sheep are digesting and resting in the shade I too go in and do weaving until evening, when come back out again and do little jobs around the farm till dawn when sheep are ready to go into the shed and sleep.
This was a routine which never bored me. I could see plants change by day: seedlings grow and flower heads open and wind take petals away…some how indescribable richness of experience… noticed how sheep move around property and how very important it is to keep them fenced in as no trees would grow nor flowers. There are only very few plants they don’t eat. I was just living is observation of nature and human interaction.
When weaving listening to hours of podcasts and audiobooks trying to keep up with current affairs and interests out there in the busy world. I was weaving on the 1919’s hand-made loom constantly with my earphones and iPhone close by… glad these both pieces of technology exists side by side and I can use them at the same time
Followed Merike to clean up Reigi church she is in charge of, open it for visitors, as summer here on island is very busy with tourists. Also we went to sell wool to the other side of the island from farm to Hiiu Villa factory where they process wool into yarn and knit. Here is where I got yarn for weaving. They don’t dye yarn only use natural local wool: white, grey and dark brown.
And on my journey collected books which inspired me… from here an idea sparked in my mind: I ought to make a book about Merike’s farm! In fancy words: I want to explain regenerative agriculture for textiles (wool) in illustrated format.
Left a vegetable garden to grow made of manure from sheep shed and composting hay.
I traveled back to Latvian with tapestry and wool to run felted soap making workshops in a yurt for Summer Solstice celebration.